Beyond Roe: The Floor, Not the Ceiling

With recent changes to the makeup for the U.S. Supreme Court, there is a concern that Roe v. Wade will be overturned. The Supreme Court is set to review Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban, which is a direct challenge to Roe and the nearly 50 years of precedent that the landmark decision has established. But the Supreme Court does not have to officially overturn Roe for people to be unable to exercise their right to abortion. Read More »

The State of Reproductive Health and Rights: A 50-State Report Card

While most Americans are aware of the national political debate over birth control and abortion, many are unaware of the status of reproductive health and rights in their own state. In the interest of an informed public debate, the Population Institute released it’s 2020 50 State Report Card on Reproductive Health and Rights that gives … Read More »

The SDGs … and Beyond

Twenty years ago, at the dawn of the 21st century, Africa was in a position to become a major driver—if not the primary engine—of world economic growth during the second half of the emerging century. Hopes were high that investments in health, nutrition, family planning, education, and women’s empowerment would contribute to smaller, healthier families; … Read More »

Obsessed: The Trump/Pence administration’s assault on sexual and reproductive health and rights

The Trump/Pence administration’s assault on sexual and reproductive health and rights has become an obsession. One that defies Congress and public opinion, rejects established judicial precedents, tramples on constitutional rights and protections, and exhibits an absolute disregard for the health and welfare of millions at home and abroad. While the administration has suffered many defeats … Read More »

The Divided States of Reproductive Health and Rights: A 50 State Report Card 2019

While most Americans are aware of the national political debate over birth control and abortion, many are unaware of the status of reproductive health and rights in their own state. In the interest of an informed public debate, the Population Institute released it’s 2019 50 State Report Card on Reproductive Health and Rights that gives … Read More »

Senseless: The War on Birth Control

The war on birth control has been fought under many different banners. In some sense, it is an undeclared war, as many of its adherents are unwilling to say publicly that they oppose birth control. That would be too direct and too unpopular. Instead, they assert that access to contraception must be curbed because of … Read More »

Double Trouble

Lack of adequate funding is not the only hurdle to fighting the Zika virus. Many of the areas threatened by Zika—both inside and outside the U.S.—lack adequate access to reproductive health care. Every woman, wherever she lives, deserves access to a full range of reproductive health services and information. That was true before the Zika … Read More »

Demographic Vulnerability Report

World population is projected to increase from 7.3 billion today to 9.6 billion or more by 2050. Virtually all that growth will be in the developing world, and much of that increase will occur in countries struggling to alleviate hunger and severe poverty. Many countries with rapidly growing populations are threatened by water scarcity or … Read More »

The Divided States of Reproductive Health and Rights: A 50 State Report Card 2018

While most Americans are aware of the national political debate over birth control and abortion, many are unaware of the status of reproductive health and rights in their own state. In the interest of an informed public debate, the Population Institute released it’s 2018 50 State Report Card on Reproductive Health and Rights that gives … Read More »

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