Population Institute’s Statement on the Outcomes of U.S. Elections

The outcomes of U.S. elections this month are likely to result in shifts in the U.S. government’s priorities, policies, and programs that will threaten prospects for progress on sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States and around the world.

As we look ahead, we remain steadfast in our vision of a world where girls and women have achieved full gender equality, all women have access to reproductive health services, every child is a wanted child, and global population is brought into balance with a healthy global environment and resource base.

At the Population Institute, we will continue to analyze, distill, and communicate insights based on data and evidence to the people in power—insights that demonstrate the value and impact of robust investments in sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender equity.

We will continue to support and uplift the efforts of our allies and partners who work every day to advance the health and rights of women, girls, and vulnerable people, in the United States and around the world.

We will continue to promote policies and programs that improve prospects for a more just and sustainable future.

We look forward to joining with many others to advance this vision in the months and years ahead.