Make a Tax-Deductible Contribution
Your donation is welcome and much needed. All donations to the Population Institute are tax-deductible. All gifts are personally acknowledged via mail.
How to Donate:
- On-line: Through our online secure server.
- Mail: Send a check or money order made payable to the Population Institute, 105 Second Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002, U.S.A.
- Stocks & Securities: Please contact Elizabeth Piper, Director of Development at 202-544-3300 xt. 109 or you can transfer directly to our financial services firm by contacting Charles Schwab’s Contra Firm Hotline Number at 602-355-9003. Thank you!
- Corporate Matching Contributions: More than a 1000 American companies help non-profits by adopting a Corporate Matching Gift program. Consult your company and encourage them to match contributions by employees.
- United Way: If your company has a “United Way” campaign that allows you to direct your contribution to charities other than United Way, please take advantage of that opportunity to do so. If your company restricts giving to a list of “approved” charities, please ask your human resources department how you can add us to that list.
We Appreciate Your Generosity!